Why is organic food better for our planet?
As a general rule, it is already known that organic foods, although according to certain studies contain similar levels of nutrition than non-organic ones, are healthier since they do not contain pesticide residues, genetically modified organisms, chemical fertilisers, hormones, antibiotics, they limit the use of
food additives, etc. They also undergo regular checks and examinations to make sure they meet strict requirements.
On the other hand, what is more unknown to many is the fact that organic crops play a very important role in the environment.
Industrial agriculture is destructive due to its high use of water and oil, chemical fertilisers and pesticides that generate greenhouse gases and destroy soils. It is also harmful to biodiversity, causes deforestation and is harmful to small farmers.
In comparison, organic farming offers the following benefits:
It is sustainable and respectful of nature since they do not use chemicals that negatively affect the earth and are difficult to eliminate (1). Pest control occurs naturally by enhancing natural control systems, for example by introducing beneficial insects and birds that feed on pests and plants that repel pests and attract beneficial insects.
Natural fertilisers are also key for organic farming. Fertile soil is achieved with crop rotation and the incorporation of manure and compost that also enrich the soil. With green fertilisers, the soil is rich in organic matter and microorganisms, better able to retain water, and allows better protection against erosion (2).
Water is saved because smart irrigation systems are used and not a drop is wasted. This helps to distribute resources and avoid droughts and other consequences of the indiscriminate use of water, which is an essential natural resource for life on the planet (1).
Protects biodiversity: Every living organism fulfils a function within the cycle of nature. Insects are essential for pollination, thanks to them plants sprout or fruits grow on which animals and humans feed themselves. A combination of different crops and plant varieties (crop association) is grown in the same field, avoiding monocultures used in industrial agriculture. In this way many synergies between crops are achieved.
Agricultural biological diversity increases the resistance of plants to climate change. It has been scientifically proven that, both in nature and in agriculture, biodiversity offers a natural insurance policy against extreme weather events (2).
It develops respectful environmental practices that pollute less since its production does not need to use non-renewable energy sources, as it happens when it is grown on a large scale. In addition, many practices used by organic agriculture, such as minimum tillage, the return of crop residues to the soil, the use of vegetative covers, rotations and the integration of legumes that contribute to nitrogen fixation, increase the return of carbon to the soil, which increases productivity and favours carbon storage. They do not use large farms or polluting machinery to sow or harvest the fruits, but rather it is done on a smaller scale (1).
Higher crop and economic yields. Globally, organic farming can produce an average of about 30% more food per hectare than conventional farming. In developing countries, organic farming can produce about 80% more food per hectare. By not using synthetic chemical inputs that are also highly polluting, there are very important savings for farmers.
Currently 2.6 billion people (about 40% of the world’s population) are small farmers. These are the farmers who produce most of the food we consume. Millions of farmers around the world practice organic farming, proving that it is possible to produce enough food with profitable organic methods (2).
Within everyone’s reach: You can start your own organic food plantation by cultivating in your own garden or flat (3). It is very simple and it will also allow you to start a new activity with the whole family and enjoy your own vegetables, saving money and enjoying all its flavour.
How can you act today to help this wonderful collective of organic farmers?
- You can start by going to your local market and asking for organic, local and seasonal fruit and vegetables. In case they do not have a large selection, it is important that you suggest your interest so that they realize that there is a demand for organic food and thus expand their selection.
- You can also make written suggestions in supermarkets to introduce more foods of this type.
- Find and go to the organic stores in your city where they sometimes offer of bags of vegetables for cheaper prices.
- If you do not have much time to go shopping and investigating, you can make a subscription to boxes of organic products that deliver to your door and thus encourages you to eat healthier.
Organic farming is viable and that it is the only solution to save agriculture and allow rural development, especially in these areas. moment of deep socio-economic and ecological crisis. It is possible to feed ourselves without destroying the planet or compromising future generations with our lifestyle.
Did you already know all these benefits? What percentage of organic food do you usually consume? Leave us a comment and share tricks or more information that we have left out.
Ana Calvo www.anacalvonutrition.com
https://blog.oxfamintermon.org/el-consumo-de-comida-ecologica-bueno-para-el-medio-ambiente-y-la-salud/ http://archivo-es.greenpeace.org/espana/es/Trabagamos-en/Transgenicos/Soluciones-y-demandas/Agricultura-ecologica/ https://actnowcollective.org/what-i-eat/