Should your dog get a massage? Get to know CDC Animal Therapy in Dublin
CDC Animal Therapy was set up by Kat on 17th April 2018 and delivers large variety of treatments including Canine sports massage, Trigger points, Joint mobilization, Passive Range of Motion, Reflexology, Phototherapy, Acu-point Therapy, Electro-therapy and many more.

This is Kat’s big boy Jackson (aka Mr J) – reason why and how it all started …
Jackson was diagnosed with progressive arthritis in his right wrist and most likely developing the same condition in his left wrist. After different sets of medication and more rest (what Jackson doesn’t like as he is left behind and not allowed to join the walks), it was time for different approach.
After a long research of possible options for canine physiotherapy in Dublin, Kat got qualified in Canine Sports Massage in January 2018 at The College of Animal Physiotherapy in the UK and already during the course started treating Jackson (he was Kat’s first practise/ homework patient!).
Kat is currently undertaking Animal Physiotherapy Diploma at the College of Animal Physiotherapy, is member of the IAAT (International Association of Animal Therapists, http://www.iaat.org.uk/therapist-finder/) as well as currently in the process of becoming a member of IRVAP (The Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists, https://www.irvap.org.uk/).
Kat has ALWAYS loved animals, grew up surrounded by a dog, a cat and pair of quinoa pigs. Went vegetarian in the age of 10- for the love of animals and turned vegan in 2016. Kat has been volunteering in Dogs Aid Animal Sanctuary based in Dublin since 2016. All 3 Kat’s furbabies are also fully vegan 🙂
As CDC Animal Therapy will be celebrating first birthday soon (wohooo!), stay tuned in for some birthday celebrations and competitions! Visit Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CDCAnimalTherapy/ and hit Like button. Who knows, you might get free treatment for your 4-legged baby!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CDCAnimalTherapy
Website: www.cdcanimaltherapy.ie (coming soon)
CDC Animal Therapy is based in Dublin and covers county Dublin area.
Tel: 0894962536