Rita Marie Lawlor, Filmmaker and Pilates Instructor
What influenced you towards the vegan life style, and what has is taught you?
I became a vegetarian at the age of 11, so I always wanted to become a vegan for better health and lifestyle choices. I am now over two years vegan and I haven’t looked back. I have become so much more interested in cooking and the various plant based produce in our local shops, and it’s not expensive. I will never go back, I’m a healthy weight for my height and have a lot more energy too.
Are you involved in any vegan related activity? How would you like to be more supportive to the cause?
I have been an animal rights campaigner for over twenty years, and am always encouraging people to think about vegan options, even one or two days a week and see how they get on. I’m not one for telling people what to do, but I do like to encourage people to think, to think about where their meat and dairy produce is really coming from.
What is your favorite meal?
I like my own vegan bolognaise, I adore cooking so most meals I make, without sounding biased! 😀
Favorite restaurant or cafe?
The Soya cappucino in Starbucks is pretty great!